Surat, Gujarat
6 hours ago
Van Den Eynde Skimmer Mix - 1kg-Groundbait-Van Den Eynde-Irish Bait & Tackle

Van Den Eynde Skimmer Mix - 1kg

  • €5.50
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This groundbait has been developed for angling on lakes or other types of still waters. It is a light (to semi) active groundbait that has a medium coarse consistency. This groundbait is suitable for both summer and winter fishing, but will be slightly more effective in the warmer periods. It has a vanilla scent as the main fragrance and tastes slightly sweet. It attracts all types of fish and depending on what product you can attach your focus or your fishing.

For Medium pace rivers, slightly over wet the groundbait and add 2 kg of VDE Damp Leam. This makes the groundbait heavier, but lets it break down very quickly.

The main thing we can advise you to do when preparing your groundbait is to take your time when moistening groundbait. The ‘three times regime’ gives the groundbait plenty of time to absorb all liquids and reach the required consistency.